After seeing numerous family members and friends struggling with the job search process, Stephen creates a vision for a better future and launches Acuspire as a company.
Acuspire raises funding and sets up corporate head office in downtown Calgary
Acuspire launches its first white-labelled service in partnership with Calgary Economic Development for the Pivot Tech conference in Calgary, Alberta.
Top 20 of 50 finalists at Startup Grind Global Conference (Silicon Valley)
Top 15 up-and-coming tech startup (Startup Calgary - Launch Party)
Acuspire pitches to Arlene Dickinson and officially graduates from the District Ventures and IBM Accelerator (Calgary)
Awarded 1st Place at Blockchain & Technology Symposium Pitch Competition (Edmonton).
Awarded 1st Place at HackIT.AB Hackathon, with full Acuspire team competing (Alberta). Acuspire creates a brand-new app in 2 days called FutureYou.