
Our AI-assisted job search systems empower re-employment organizations, recruitment agencies, and educational institutions to quickly identify relevant job opportunities and help clients achieve successful outcomes. Our flexible reporting tools deliver success metrics and critical operational data at a glance.

Key advantages include reductions in the time to search for new positions and greater transparency thanks to real-time analytics dashboards.

Our solution is white-labelled, meaning that it carries your own logo, colours and slogan across the user interface and all emails generated by the system.

Implementation can be done in as fast as 2-3 business days, longer depending on specific add-ons.

Video: Acuspire & Eco Canada - Accelerating the Environmental Workforce

Workforce Development

We empower workforce development programs by automating the following workflows:

  • Identifying skill gaps between workers and market needs
  • Matching workers with ranked job opportunities
  • Generating flexible reporting and analytics

Workers Compensation

We equip Workers Compensation organizations by delivering solutions that:

  • Match workers with available job opportunities
  • Match job opportunities with available workers
  • Provide configurable workflows and reporting tools

Career Centres

We make it easy for Career Centers to help job seekers enter the market with solutions that:

  • Score resumes in real time making it easy to improve their resumes and the likelihood of a successful outcome
  • Deliver daily updated ranked job matches
  • Enable flexible and configurable reporting and workflows

Trade & Professional Organizations

We provide industry leading tools to Trade & Professional Organizations that:

  • Automatically match and rank job seekers and employers
  • Provide fully configurable job search widgets that can be easily integrated into existing trade or professional organization websites
  • Enable organizations to run advanced analytics and reports to monitor outcomes

On-the-Job Training Programs

We come alongside and help On-The-Job Training Programs with industry leading solutions that:

  • Make it easy for employers to identify candidates who are qualified for government funding
  • Give job seekers a very low friction process that improves their chances of a successful outcome
  • Provide workflow automation tools that speed up the end-to-end process

Wage Funded Programs

We empower Wage Funding Programs with cutting edge technology that:

  • Provides a meeting place where eligible job seekers and employers can connect to receive government funding
  • Automatically matches and rank job seekers and employers
  • Delivers flexible reporting and workflow automations

College Career Services

Acuspire's AI-assisted recommendation engine intelligently connects employers with students:

  • Student profiles tagged for co-ops, internships and funding.
  • Fast, low-friction employer invites (Company, Name, Email)
  • Instant match or search across full student resume bank.

Power Re-Employment